When you are looking at a rug and considering it for acquisition,what do you look for ? what is the process that leads you to a decision?
Our collectors divided themselves into two groups on this subject,the first rational and analytical,and the other introspective and are examples of the analytical responses..
I look for quality.Does it have have superb wool?Does it have good age ? Are İts dyes intense and brilliant? How fine is the weave ?
I judge a piece from a combination of standpoints:age,color,drawing,and condition.
İt is a product than I ask myself,how does it compare to others in its category?it is a process of differentiating,determining What it is and where it falls among the other pieces of its type.if it scores high,then I am interested .if its score goes off the top of the chart,then I buy without rezervation.
The other and more prevalent response approached the challange from quite a different perspective..
The first thing I want to know is,Does it speaks to me ? Does it make my heart beat a little faster?even more importantly, Does it keep speaking to me ? İt is the same as with people .Some dazzle you at the begining but you soon discover that all there is to them,and they begin to bore you.Others impress you at first,and than the relationship grows and grows.Great rugs are like that ;whenever you go back to them you experience a dimension of warmth or rhythm or esthetic renewal



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